ilona weber

Opening the Heart
Dance Meditation - Sacred Dance

Dance Meditation - Sacred Dance has been developed by Friedel Kloke-Eibl and combines Sacred Geometry and Numerology in the dances and choreographies that are both a joy and passion in my life.
Ultimately the dance is the initiatory path to our own inner presence. The beautiful music, the silence, the sacred geometry and numerology behind the dance that flows through the step pattern, the arm and hand gestures all bring us closer to who we truly are.
You don’t have to be a ‘dancer!’ All dances are carefully taught.
Dancing to sacred music encourages a sense of stillness and connection
no partner needed
soul stirring
experience the unity and peace of dancing in a circle
We dance to open our hearts and to connect with Source and the Earth. The dances invite us to go within, to listen to our inner selves, to feel centred and uplifted.
"Thou who movest the world
now movest me,
....I dance a song of silence
my steps set to cosmic music
and guide my dance......"
( Bernhard Wosien)